Completion Part One

The Empty Circle with art final

The Ultimate Oxymoron

Is there really such a thing as completion? ” Cutting the Clouds, A Bayou Mystic’s Poems, Musings, and Imaginings,” is finally ready to publish after more than 9 years of effort. This project has had its share of starts and stops and many synchronistic movements that led me through door openings of miraculous possibility. But is it finished? Of course not! Now the marketing begins.  Those of you who have followed my journey with this book know that it has been a labor of love and I thank you all for your encouragement. Now (as I am found of repeating) it takes a village to raise a Bessie, so I still need you all to help this healing book thrive. Soon I will be offering opportunities to host readings, workshops and retreats.  Check out the Engage Me Page and I will keep you posted on available dates.

Engage Me

This face doesn’t disguise easily,

Showing always

My thoughts, my feelings,

Heart-on-the-sleeve reality.


Who could guess that I feel shy sometimes?

Inferior, insecure

Showing confidence could be play-acting

Always questioning

Have I loved enough?


Sometimes I mistake confidence for arrogance,

Or is it the other way around?

I’m not sure I know myself well enough yet to discern which is which.

Yet, when I speak to gatherings

From center stage

Transformation happens.


No longer doubtful,

Absent childish wounding,

I am whole again.

It’s how God made me.

It’s why I’m here.

So engage me and watch me shine.


© 2016 Bessie Adams Senette


Published by

Bessie Senette

Bessie Senette is the author of Cutting the Clouds: a Bayou Mystic’s Poems, Musings, and Imaginings – an autobiographical collection of poems and essays about the life and culture of her bayou upbringing and the spirituality that informs her traditional healing gifts. Her current work-in-progress is Louisiana Pines: Homeland Poems and Vignettes; a chapbook that poetically explores her beloved home state.

3 thoughts on “Completion Part One”

  1. BEAUTIFUL!  Love the poems.

    From: THE BAYOU MYSTIC To: Sent: Friday, June 3, 2016 2:22 PM Subject: [New post] Completion Part One #yiv3307505463 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv3307505463 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv3307505463 a.yiv3307505463primaryactionlink:link, #yiv3307505463 a.yiv3307505463primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv3307505463 a.yiv3307505463primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv3307505463 a.yiv3307505463primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv3307505463 | Bessie Senette posted: “The Ultimate OxymoronIs there really such a thing as completion? ” Cutting the Clouds, A Bayou Mystic’s Poems, Musings, and Imaginings,” is finally ready to publish after more than 9 years of effort. This project has had its share of starts and stops ” | |


  2. I am so thrilled for you. My anticipation grows for the release of “Cutting the Clouds” and your workshops. Know that I am here for you, for whatever you need that I can fulfill. See you Sunday.


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